
Our Chef Sweets

About That Batch

Hello! My name is UniqueDavis

I have always been a foodie. My love for food, and a global pandemic, inspired me to hand craft all the goodies you will find on this site.

As I have gotten older, I have grown to appreciate food with high-quality ingredients that make you feel good. During quarantine, I found myself desiring good desserts often. When I say good, I mean HELLA good! I wanted desserts that made you not only feel warm inside but start dancing after each bite. After many wasted calories and grocery store trips, I decided to make my own at home. Baking became my happy place. Before I knew it, family and friends were requesting I make desserts for them. Seeing the smile my desserts produced filled my heart with so much joy! This joy has developed into my business, That Batch. I hope you enjoy the desserts as much as I enjoy making them for you!

the finest

Work Selectiondelights

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